A Celebration of God's Allness
We are located in Charles Village at 2901 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Maryland. Small parkling lot is available. There are plenty of restaurants nearby to grab a bite after service.
Our services start at 11:00 AM and run for about one hour. If you want a parking space on the lot, you are encouraged to come early. Some Sundays there is a fellowship following the service.
Our service begins with a reading of the day's Daily Word. It is followed by an opening prayer, singing and the Sunday message.
If you have a heart for Truth, you're welcome at Unity. Some dress up and some dress down. Yes, even jeans and a tasteful top is fine with us.
In the main hallway, there is an offering box. There are envelopes for cash donations. Please make you check out to Unity. Click here for online giving
Unity in Baltimore celebrates God as the true Presence and Power in the universe.
We celebrate you as a spiritual being "in the image and likeness" of God.
Rev. Allen White, author of God is All, is our Spiritual Leader.